our club of partners that have made a little over $20,000
with our system within 1 month.
Dr. Wendel and his wife amy
Dr. Tim Lind
“Basically for every $1 that we dropped we picked up $24 and in 30 years of practice I never had a marketing program to work like that, so it was pretty awesome, and still have a ton of more leads to work with, it is never drying up…”
“We were getting maybe two to three new patients a week walking in… This month we had twenty seven new patients and eighteen of those has come directly from Proactive..”
Dr. Chris Layton
Dr. Chris Spinella
“We are over 20k. We don’t go without a new patient any day at week. we are here five days a weel, we have at least one new patient every day, there are days we may have five new parients, so te system is working really well, I love the convernience of it….”
“Now I can barely keep up with all those new patients coming, Right now I am only open three days a week and I am doing double of what I was dping before COVID, so I am very happy with that.. And the converstion rate is great, so I would take them in for a new patient consultation and after almost 95% of them have became actual patients and have been coming back on the consistent basiswhich has been phenomenal..”